Binsted C of E Primary School, Church Street, Binsted, Hampshire, GU34 4NX – t: 01420 23200 – Head Teacher: Mrs Sharron Morton – Deputy: Mr Henry Jennings – OFSTED report (2018): GOOD.
One most important aspect of life in Binsted is that the village school is still serving the community at a time when most rural village schools have closed. The school takes pupils up to the age of 11 and in doing so provides children with an almost unique environment during the early part of their education.
Binsted school was built in 1875 on land belonging to the Wickham Estate and constructed from stones brought from the nearby River Hill Pit. It has now been serving the local community for 122 years.
Rowledge C of E Primary School, School Road, Rowledge, Surrey, GU10 4BW – t:01252 792346 – Head Teacher: Ms Sarah Oliver – Deputy: Mrs Lindsey Chivers – OFSTED report (2017): GOOD.
Other local primary schools include Bentley which also serves families in the community
There are numerous excellent Secondary & Independent Schools in the local area