Grant Applications

Why not apply for a grant from Binsted Parish Council?

Each year, Binsted Parish Council sets aside £5,000 to share to award as small grants to local organisations, for activities that benefit people living in the parish. These grants are sometimes known as ‘Section 137’ grants, in reference to the section of the Local Government Act through which they are allowed.

The deadline for applying for this year’s grants is 31 May 2022. Applications are open to any organisation that contributes to the community, including community associations, clubs and local branches of charitable organisations. Individuals and commercial organisations are not eligible.

To apply, Use this New-Grant-Form-Jan-22, and email the completed application to by 31 May. Applications will be considered at our Full Council meeting in June.

Past Awards. Under this scheme, grants were awarded in 2021/22 to:

Home Start Hampshire

Citizens Advice East Hampshire

Holy Cross Church Binsted

Victim Support

Bentley and Binsted Magazine

St James Church Rowledge