Polite reminder about Dog Foul – It is an offence not pick it up!

It is an offence not to clean up after your dog has fouled.  If you do not clear up your dogs waste you could be liable to prosecution and face a fine!

Dog waste is associated with a number of diseases including Toxocariasis.  Toxocara is a roundworm commonly found in dogs.  Eggs can pose a heath risk if they come into contact with the mouth, particularly to small children causing stomach upsets, sore throat, asthma and in some cases blindness.  The eggs remain active in the soil for years, long after any dog waste has weathered away.

The Parish Council would like to remind everyone its every owners duty to clean up after their dog.  There are no excuses.  Fouling is unacceptable.

We would remind you to always carry a few bags with you to pick up the waste and then place it in one of the bins.  If you are caught short without a bag at the Recreation Ground there is a spade kept at the back of the Pavilion to pick it up.

It is an offence not to pick up the waste on all land, both public and private to which the public has access: Highways (including private roads), footways, open spaces, playing fields / public parks, verges, play areas, canal towpaths, public footpaths, bridleways and adjoining verges.  Some areas exempt are: Road & adjoining land with a speed limit of more than 40mph, woodland or agricultural land, marshland, moor or heath and rural common land.

Please pick it up!  The Council will actively enforce this as it has become particularly unacceptable along The Street and most days at The Recreation Ground.

Thank you