Binsted Parish Council owns facilities that are available for hire for public use including the Pavilion at Binsted Recreation Ground. In addition to the Pavilion there are allotments,  cricket nets, a tennis court, football goals, a children’s playground and a basketball ring available at the Recreation Ground.

The council also owns (The Oval at Bucks Horn Oak and the Recreation and Allotment fields on the Blacknest Road) which are either rented out or available for hire when not in active use.

To book or enquire about hiring any of our assets, click here for the Pavilion Booking form or please   to discuss your requirements.

or by phone on;  07483 310 631

The current regular users and their contacts are detailed below.

Parish Council Office will be open from 5.45pm – 6.45pm on the same day as the Parish Council Meetings, or by appointment between 9am – 1pm Monday to Fridays
Cleaning is normally carried out on a Monday morning.

Recreation Ground:
Binsted School use the grounds on Monday mornings, Wednesday and Thursday afternoons 1-4.30pm during term time.
Croquet is played every Friday evening during the summer months.
Binsted Junior Running Club use the recreation ground on a Sunday.
Binsted Junior Cricket train on a Friday evening.

Rowledge team contacts:

3rd XI Captain Carlo Bruno 07747 096274
Ladies Secretary
Casuals Dan Williams 07805 075583
Steve Riglar 07866 444305
Under 13A

Under 13B

Under 13C

Richard Corfield

Adam Meara

07769 680928

07775 801567

Under 13 Girls


Jackie Coffey

Becky King

07990 577648

07944 435577

Tennis Court:

Binsted Tennis and Croquet Club is open to new members. Further information can be found on the Binsted Tennis and Croquet Club website – 

or email