The council owns and manages the following assets:

Land and Buildings

Description Date Acquired Location Notes
Binsted Recreation Ground 1978 Binsted Registered with Land Registry Feb 2006 –
 Value: As at 2006 £50,000 Title Number SH 20396
Permission Granted 6th March 1991 to build PavilionConsent received from Courage 17th February 1992
Extension to Boiler Room and Erection of Store granted 30th July 1996
Covenant: dated 28th October 1963
Pavilion 1992 Binsted Title Number SH 20396
The Oval Holt Pound Registered with Charity Commission
Title Number SH 21373
Constructed in 1791 by ‘Silver Billy’ Beldham
Land adjoining Church Street 2nd Nov 1962 Binsted Deed of gift between B.Pilcher and BPC
The Allotment Ground Blacknest Grazing tenancy agreement in place
The Recreation Ground Blacknest
Title Number SH 20395